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Cell Phone Policy

Cell Phone Policy Phones/electronic devices should be turned off and placed into the cellphone box upon entering homeroom in the morning. Students must abide by the CCSD Technology Acceptable Use Policy and CCSD Student Code of Conduct.

All electronic devices are the sole responsibility of the student. As we provide a safe, secure, locked location for all electronic devices and cell phones, CEWN will not be responsible for investigating lost or stolen items.

  • Cell phones/electronic devices must be turned off (NOT ON VIBRATE MODE) and turned in to the homeroom teacher to be locked up during the            entire school day – this includes during lunch, recess, and FLEX. 
  • Smart watches are not to be worn or used during the school day and must be either left in their backpack or turned in to their homeroom teacher to be locked up for the day. Students are encouraged to leave Smart watches at home.
  • Wireless earbuds or headphones may not be worn at all during the school day.
  • Students are not to bring Bluetooth speakers or other Bluetooth enabled devices on campus.

Corrective Action

1st offense:

  • Student Concern Specialist will be called to collect the phone.
  • Student will call home.
  • The electronic device is confiscated until the end of the day.
  • Teacher Managed Referral for 1st Electronic Device Violation will be entered by the teacher.

2nd offense:

  • Student Concern Specialist will be called to collect the phone.
  • Student/SCS will call home.
  • The electronic device is confiscated until the end of the day.
  • Teacher Managed Referral for 2nd Electronic Device Violation will be entered by the teacher.

3rd offense:

  • Student Concern Specialist will be called to collect the phone. 
  • Admin or SCS will call home.
  • The electronic device is confiscated and parents will have to pick it up.
  • Teacher Managed Referral for 3rd Electronic Device Violation will be entered by the teacher.

4th offense:

  • Student Concern Specialist will be called to collect the phone.
  • SCS/Admin will call home.
  • The electronic device is confiscated and parents will have to pick it up.
  • Teacher Managed Referral for 4th Electronic Device Violation will be entered by the teacher.

5th and following offenses:

  • Student Concern Specialist will be called to collect the phone.
  • SCS/Admin will call home.
  • The electronic device is confiscated and parents will have to pick it up.
  • The teacher will enter an Office-Managed Referral for Failure to Comply. The district PDP will be followed for consequences.